10 Hacks To Make Her Love You on Valentine's Day

Thus, the very reason why Valentine’s Day is celebrated has nothing to do with the love between two lovers. However, owing to popular culture, Valentine’s Day has come to become a day when a man is supposed to express his feelings for a woman and a woman is supposed to do the same. Valentine’s Day has especially come to become a day made for lovers. Even in the media, Valentine’s Day is portrayed as a day meant for lovers. However, Valentine’s Day has a much larger appeal.  It is a day to express love and that love can be for anyone and not specially a lover.  

1.Tell her exciting and amazing words to hear just for fun

Valentine's day is a lover holiday and I wish I could spend it with you.

Because it's Valentine's Day, I wanted to let you know, your zipper is undone. Oh, and I think you're pretty cool ; Happy Valentine's Day! You're so out of everyone's league, I figure you must be home alone. Wanna hang? Let her want to feel I want to be you. Write her more on Valentine's Day

2.Having a good sense of humor with her on Valentine's Day.

It’s a well known fact that women love a funny guy. If you can make her laugh it is a surefire way of making sure she remembers you and continues to think about you after. The trick is to turn that affection into attraction. This means you must combine that funny with ‘funny and charming’ or ‘funny and slightly cocky’

3. Toy with her but do it moderately on Valentine's Day 

Flirting with her is going to make her feel great, but try not to give her too much, too quickly. The second that you start to shower her with too many compliments is the second you look creepy and over the top, and no one wants to be that guy. Flirt with her by telling her how good she looks, but never go too far with the compliments until you’re in a full-fledged relationship – and even then, keep it tame

4. Spend considerable amount of time with her

Prioritizing your relationship and always remembering to spend time together with her is very important during Valentine's Day. The key words here are ‘correct amount of time’. No girl wants a man who wants to spend the whole 24 hours with her. Giving her space is very important. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder

5. Know her hobbies and put them in all things you do together on Valentine's Day 

There is no problem if you find a girl who likes football and enjoys watching matches with you then do this on Valentine's Day. But it will become a problem when most of the time when the two of you are together the only thing you want to do is watch football while she maybe wants to go out and enjoy a nature walk at Karura Forest this will not be good for that day.

6. Brings in fresh ideas to innovate each other on Valentine's Day 

Experiencing something new is always exciting and allows us to widen our minds. Sit down with your partner on Valentine's Day and create a bucket list of things you’d both like to do together. Such as a new place you’d like to visit, a course you’d like to try or a sport you’ve yet to try, this will help keep the spark alive and may help the both of you want to spend more time together trying new things.

7. Surprising Happy Valentine's Day for my love

In lieu of candy hearts and chocolate, please accept this Valentine's flirtext as a sign of my undying like for you. Because it's Valentine's Day, I wanted you to know, if you called me I wouldn't hit "ignore."I didn't have enough time to send you those candy hearts you'd probably love, so here goes nothing: will u be my Valentine? Text 'yes' or 'no?

8. Distance makes the heart grows fonder( Give her some space but not glue to her)

people love to chase. So if you give her a little space, I'm sure she'll call you. Act like you have a lot of other plans and priorities. And if she gets mad, tell her that she means a lot to you.but you can't be chasing her to simply hang out. Hopefully she gets it, and then none of you have to chase each other. But meanwhile, give her a taste of her own medicine.she'll get it

9. Traverse the closest state amazement Park

Spending time as a partner outdoors comes with a world of benefits, including bonding and creating lifelong memories. Pack a backpack and head to the nearest state park for the day. Get those endorphins going and go for a long hike together. Or, set up camp for the night and lie side by side gazing at the stars. Take her to places like

10. Try not to deviate from being a gentleman on that day.

As sad as it is to say, the gentleman breed has been killed by the notorious Team Mafisi. Courting has become a battlefield where men have forgotten the art of finesse when it comes to wooing. And it is more than just about pulling the chair for her before she sits or opening doors for her on Valentine's Day. Doing this is quite amazing and spell you out a gentleman.


I'm Ugbe Celestine from Nigeria. I'm a dedicated and industrious internet guru who has a passion for blogging and executing Freelancing services. I have developed several skills through thorough training by undertaking online courses by listening to lectures on video and putting them into action and mastering the skills through constant practice. I have few years experience of online operation through learning, training, practice, mastering and put into action. I'm a graphics designer, content creator, affiliates market, digital market and many other Freelancing services. You can always inbox me for all your queries.

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